Club Rules

Club final playoff standings 2004-2005 Season.

A Division

Place Team Points Wins Losses Ties
A1 Brummell* 8 4 1 0
A2 Waraksa* 8 4 1 0
A3 Kinakin 6 3 2 0
A4 Deere 4 2 3 0
A5 LeMaistre 3 1 3 1
A6 Hawley 1 0 4 1

*The Brummell team beat the Waraksa team in their head to head playofff game.

B Division

Place Team Points Wins Losses Ties
B1 Wilson 8 4 1 0
B2 Clark** 6 3 2 0
B3 Depalme** 6 3 2 0
B4 Sweet 4 2 3 0
B5 Byers 3 1 3 1

**The Clarke team beat the Depalme team in their head to head playofff game.

C Division

Place Team Points Wins Losses Ties
C1 Charchuk 8 4 1 0
C2 Lillis*** 5 2 2 1
C3 Towler*** 5 2 2 1
C4 Maier 3 1 3 1
C5 Komhyr 2 0 3 2

***The Lillis team beat the Towler team in their head to head playofff game.

Club final 2004-2005 regular season standings

Place Playoff
Team Points Wins Losses Ties
1 A1 Waraksa * 25 12 2 1
2 A2 LeMaistre * 25 12 2 1
3 A3 Kinakin 23 11 3 1
4 A4 Brummell 22 11 4 0
5 A5 Deere 20 9 4 2
6 A6 Hawley 18 9 6 0
7 B1 Depalme 16 8 7 0
8 B2 Sweet 15 7 7 1
9 B3 Wilson 14 7 8 0
10 B4 Clark 13 6 8 1
11 B5 Byers 11 5 9 1
12 C1 Maier 10 5 10 0
13 C2 Charchuk 10 5 10 0
14 C3 Towler * 9 4 10 1
15 C4 Komhyr * 9 4 10 1
16 C5 Lillis 0 0 15 0

* Ties were broken by head to head games.

Standings from 2007-2008
Standings from 2006-2007
Standings from 2005-2006